Gasket Pressing Station

The Gasket Pressing Station is sophisticated assembly come poka-yoke system for applying pressure on the manually affixed gasket and checking the assembled component for missing parts such as Gasket, Drain Tube & Barcode.

The Gasket Pressing Station is powered and run by PLC Panel with aid of an HMI for giving Customized inputs.

  • The complete machine is made of MS - Powder Coating.
  • Both PLC and HMI panel are of Rittal make
  • Maximum operating temperature is 60 Í¦ C

Machine Specifications :

Length  - 900 mm

Width   - 650 mm

Height  - 1800 mm

PLC/HMI - AB/Proface

Component to be Tested - Starter Motor

Pneumatics - Festo/Tool fast

Machine Structure - MS-Powder Coated